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Choose your pricing plan

  • OCN Passenger

    Every month
    For the price of a cup of coffee you can help us cast the net to help others like you.
     14 day free trial
    • Access to discounts for special events, merch and trainings.
  • OCN Crewmember

    Every month
    As a crew member you can help keep the boat afloat as we reach others like you.
    • Access to discounts for special events, merch and trainings.
    • Special invitation to community partner events.
  • OCN Crow's Nest

    Every month
    These visionaries are on the lookout for those needing to be part of our community.
    • Access to discounts for special events, merch and trainings.
    • Special invitation to community partner events.
    • Invitation to participate in community vision meetings.
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