The Outcast Network
The OutCast Network ..
Taking You Places
You Don't Want To Miss
Are you called to be a reformer? Called to the Arts, Governance, Ministry, Media, Entertainment, Technology, Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Sports or any number of other platforms and callings? Jesus has a plan for your life that He is more than ready to activate and accelerate, and we want to help you get there! Here at The OutCast Network (OCN) we gather together to lift each other up so we can finish the race well, together. Jesus came to set captives free, destroy the works of the devil and reconcile us to our Heavenly Father. Our job, as a community of believing believers set free, is to destroy Evil and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, together. When we each do our part, the world will be changed by the power of Kingdom unity (read John 17).
The Outcast Network is for those who simply cannot be contained by status quo religion. OCN offers a community of believers that come together to encourage , buildup and heal hearts. Focusing on unity through the cross of Christ, we all thrive, especially while helping others do the same.
We encourage you to look around, visit the Gallery, listen to some podcasts, look over our resources and become part of the answer others are looking for.