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Ask yr Father 9.28.23.png

Welcome To


when your heart needs

to hear the truth

Video Podcast

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Audio Podcast

About Our Podcaster J.R.

Most everyone has heard the phrase and understands the meaning of having "Skeletons in the Closet." Hanging right next to those skeletons is a wardrobe consisting of shame, fear, regret and disgrace. It's not a closet any of us are glad to have, especially me. The skeletons hanging in my closet hurt a lot of people before being exposed to the transforming light of God's Love and Truth. When I received the gift of desperation I was a Godless man steeped in evil. Prideful, arrogant, self-centered, narcissistic and deviant; I was a perfect candidate for receiving the redemptive and transformative power of Christ and His life changing love.

There was a time, in my darkest days, when my thoughts and actions manifested in ways that horrified even me. I knew evil was no respecter of persons, and not even those I loved would be safe from the wicked person I had become. Hopeless, I asked the God others spoke of to either take me out or deliver me (I didn’t even know what deliverance was!). Long story short- I gave God a blind yes; I didn't care about the cost. I was a dead man walking. I couldn't bare the relentless oppression of the molester of my soul any longer. This eventually led to turning myself in to the authorities for my past and standing accountable before man and God for a life not worth speaking about, lest the devil be glorified.

Thirty plus years later, some people can't or wont believe that the Lord redeemed someone with a past like mine. Should I embrace the lies they believe? No, to do so would have me living a lie again. I'm not interested in dishonoring the one who laid down his life for me to set me free. I've come to understand that God can use evil for good even though it's not His first choice. Our prior messes can become the foundation for life giving messages to set others free.

I hope you'll join me in changing the world through Truth delivered in love.

ALL 4 Him,

Jon R. Cordeiro, a.k.a. "JR"

A Little more about JR:



Zach Williams Rescue Story (Deluxe Edition)

Bethel Music / Brian and Jen Johnson,

Brandon Lake,

Lauren Daigle,

Cain, and many more…



Downhill Skiing


playing guitar


Men In Black

Cowboys and Aliens



The Chosen




BBQ! Cajun, Seafood, Asian, Mexican

Bible App:



The Passion Translation

NIV - (New Incomplete Version)

Amplified - (not louder, expanded)


Bill Johnson

Lance Wallnau

Kim Clement

Cindy McGill

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