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Welcome Aboard!

Welcome Aboard

The OutCast Network (OCN) is a community focused on bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth through practical, relational ways. Inspired by the book of Acts, we aim to be the Church by loving, living, and sharing as disciples. We believe a global move of God can start in our homes. With God, all things are possible for those who trust and believe.


In these volatile times, we strive to live wholeheartedly for Jesus, following the example of the early apostles. Our spiritual forefathers partnered with the Holy Spirit to bring Heaven to Earth, and we aim to equip and disciple believers to do the same.


OCN welcomes anyone seeking a place where they are celebrated as God sees them, including those hurt or judged by religion. We reject a victim mentality and believe in becoming victorious through our true God-given identity. OCN offers a loving, Christ-centered community for shameless healing and Kingdom-minded fellowship.


Through collaboration with like-minded “Friends of the Network,” we provide biblical equipping, fellowship, and events to strengthen and comfort believers. We seek to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth through principles that activate God's transformative love. We uphold God's mercy and grace through Christ's unlimited love, celebrating and reflecting the heart of the Heavenly Father.


Community Accountability: As sons and daughters of God, we acknowledge our imperfection and follow Matthew 18:15-17 for accountability:

- Address faults privately first.

- If unresolved, bring one or two others.

- If still unresolved, bring it to the community.


Applying this process lovingly ensures a safe community for all as we progress toward perfection in Christ.


As part of God's plan, we commit to bringing His Kingdom to the OCN Community, equipping the body of Christ with tools for safe fellowship and experiencing God's power and peace.





What We're About

Statement of Beliefs:

We believe..

.. that there is only one God and He created the Heavens and the Earth.

.. God is Spirit without beginning or end; God is pure love.

.. that all sin is first against God.

..  that the kindness and love of God, the Father, leads to repentance.

..that no one is righteous of themselves, righteousness  only comes through receiving and intentionally living for Christ.

.. that there is only one un-redeemable sin, denial of (Christ's) Holy Spirit.

.. that we are fruit inspectors, not judges.

.. that Jesus Christ paid for all the sins of the world by his sacrificial life offering on the cross so that we might be restored to our true identity as sons and daughters of His Father.

.. that our future is secure in the resurrection power in the once and for all blood sacrifice of Christ and we’ve been given His authority to defeat the enemy.

To provide life changing messages that strengthen, encourage and comfort those needing to know the heart of the Father through media and various outreach opportunities.

To create a virtual community for equipping and healing the hearts of those who may never step foot in a church but are hungry for Truth and a community anchored in the Father’s love; redeeming the outcasts of society and the Church.

Treat others respectfully.
Honor the love God has for others.
Celebrate others like you’d like to be celebrated.
Speak words that encourage, strengthen and comfort.
Do things privately and publicly that express the Fathers’ heart.
Lead people to their purpose and equip them for their assignment.
Provide a safe space for people to process without needing to perform.



We'd love to hear from you! drop us a note!

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